
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Real Salt Lake

Yesterday we FINALLY went to a Real Salt Lake Soccer game!! It was so much fun! We brought Brittany and Devin with us and had a blast! To add to the excitement for Brittany and I we played against David Beckham! hahah! It was fun to try and get a picture of him :)

Its about 9:00pm here..she wasnt going to smile for me, hah!

David Beckham in the middle, number 23 :) "The closest you will EVER get 
to him" said Chad to Britt and me ;)

Chad with the Real Salt Lake Scarf I bought him! He was SO excited!
Can't you tell? haha! No, this picture was taken at the end..we lost...I was trying
to get him to smile so I could take a pic of him with his new scarf, it was a hard task
at the moment :)

We were glad we went and got out with our friends and did something!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our House Exterior

They painted our house!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooohoo! It looks so good :) They have also finished putting all the stone up; the only thing left on our exterior are the garage doors (and the are really cute too!). It was SO nice to finally have some progress on our house after 2 weeks of nothing! They have also put all of the light fixtures up inside, the carpet is in the garage, and Friday the cabinets go in!!!!
Here are some pictures of the front!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day

I am so grateful for the wonderful Fathers in my life, especially Chad! He is the most amazing Dad to our little Lucy!

A Simple gift for Dad, Lucy's footprints!

Lucy wasn't very cooperative during the photo-shoot, kinda grumpy actually...

This year we spent the weekend in Idaho, all of my siblings but one brother were there! It was so much fun! We spent the time fishing, eating, talking, shooting, eating, talking, face painting, playing games.. haha! :) I Love spending time with family!

 All the kids lined up with Dad. This was a game he played when he was little and loved;
find the money in the hay! :)

 At David and Cheri's new house with  the Gibbons cousins :)
 Lucy SUPER excited to play soccer! hahaha!

 David and Cheri have this amazing door on their shop/garage, I could NOT 
resist taking a few photos by it ;)

Love my Family! So grateful for the wonderful men in my life! 
Happy Father's Day!